Dermal filers are a gel like substance (hyaluronic acid) used to reduce the appearance of deeper static lines and restore volume.
At The Confidence Clinic we use only the best technologically tested products on the market. The effects last between 6-18 months depending on the type of filler but can differ from person to person.
They can be used to firm and contour the face and for volume loss. They can be used to give definition to the cheek bones, improve sunken eyes (tear troughs), soften nasolabial folds (nose to mouth lines) marionette lines (corners of the mouth)  and provide definition to the jaw and chin. They give an instant result but can take up to 14 days for optimum results. This is an extremely safe procedure which involves using a series of small injections to smooth away fine lines, restore volume loss and lift deeper creases.
Deep lines lines will be softened and may take a couple of treatments to obtain the desired effect, fine lines will almost disappear.

Pre Treatment advice

A medical history and list of medications will be discussed prior to your treatment to ensure you are suitable for the treatment. Some supplements and over the counter medicines can make you more at risk of bruising so you should avoid these for a day or two before and a day after treatment. 

You must advise in advance if you suffer from the cold sore virus as injections can trigger this in some cases. 

Post Treatment Advice

Although you will expect to see immediate natural results, you should allow 2-3 days for any swelling to subside. 
It is not advised that you apply make up for 12 hours after treatment to minimize the risk of infection.
Only use tepid water to wash your face and pat dry carefully with a clean towel. Exercise should be avoided for at least 24 hours.
No saunas, steam rooms or facial treatments for 2 weeks post treatment.


Pricing is based on the volume of filler required so pricing of treatments need to be agreed at the initial consultation. 

Consultation - Free:

For facial lines including nasolabial and marionette lines:
1ml - £180 2mls - £260
For Cheek Enhancement:

1ml - £190 2mls - £280