** SPECIAL OFFER** Want to lose inches and struggling to do so, or are you concerned about loose ...

** SPECIAL OFFER** Want to lose inches and struggling to do so, or are you concerned about loose skin after weight loss? We can help with both of these things. 3-D Lipo permanently removes fat cells and also tightens the skin. We are offering £20 off all 3D Lipo cavitation & pressotherapy treatments and a huge £50 off all HIFU treatments during March to help you get that summer body! ☀️ 👙 These treatments are not painful and actually quite relaxing ☺️ Please get in touch if you would like more information from our medical led clinic. https://www.the-confidence-clinic.co.uk/pages/book-an-appointment #theconfidenceclinic #aestheticsstourport #aestheticsworcestershire #aestheticskidderminster #aestheticsbromsgrove #aestheticshartlebury #fatloss #fatlosstransformation #fatlossjourney #fatlossplan #skintightening #skintighteningtreatment #HIFU #hifu3d #hifufacelifting #hifubodytreatment #cavitationtherapy #cavitationslimming #cavitationmachine #cavitationtreatments #cavitation #cavitationtreatment #rfskintightening